The ocean floor is made up of various landscapes including mountains valleys and plains.
The ocean floor is made of.
Most of the seafloor is covered by sediments that average 350 m thick.
Oceanic crust is about 6 km 4 miles thick.
So even the centre is not reached.
Bottom of the ocean floor is possible only if your starting point has ocean at its anti pod this too is imaginary.
It extends from the shore to a depth of about 600 feet and has a gentle slope.
Then at what bearing are you proceeding is the main issue.
The lack of weathering and erosion in most areas however allows geological processes to be seen more clearly on the seafloor than.
These vary from oozes made of carbonate from foraminiferal and calcareous phytoplankton and some silica that has settled through the water column.
Mountains plains channels canyons exposed rocks and sediment covered areas.
Shallow parts of the ocean floor that are made of continental crust and a thick wedge of sediment.
Most of the igneous rocks within oceanic abyssal plains are denser.
2 biogenous material is the sediment made up of the hard parts of sea animals that accumulate on the bottom of the ocean.
The deepest segments of the ocean floor are found covered by clay and the skeletal remains of microplankton.
1 terrigenous describes the sediment derived from the materials eroded by rain rivers glaciers and that which is blown into the ocean by the wind such as volcanic ash.
Oceanic plates are continuously forged at mid ocean ridges an undersea mountain chain created where the edges of two plates are separating.
The continental shelf is the underwater edge of the continent.
The outer rocky layer of the earth includes about a dozen large sections called tectonic plates that are arranged like a spherical jig saw puzzle floating on top of the earth s hot flowing mantle.
As compared to freshwater saline ocean water is and therefore provides support to floating objects.
If you could sit right under a ridge you would see rocks from the earth s mantle the hot layer underlying the crust melting and percolating up toward the seam between the two plates.
There are four basic types of sediment of the sea floor.
If the bearing is to the centre of the earth you are through the core of the earth almost at the centre.
It is composed of several layers not including the overlying sediment.
The part of the ocean floor that is under deep water beyond the continent margin and that is composed of oceanic crust and a thin layer of sediment.
The topmost layer about 500 metres 1 650 feet thick includes lavas made of basalt that is rock material consisting largely of plagioclase feldspar and pyroxene.
In the deepest parts of the.